Is It Too Late To Turn Back This Tide?

My sadness over the blaring divide in our country and maybe what I can do.

MaryRose Denton
4 min readNov 8, 2020

I went into Tuesday hoping for a landslide victory. Then all would be right with the world and the last four years could be chalked up to one very bad memory. The media seemed to indicate a “blue wave” as a tangible possibility.

As the evening progressed, those hopes were quickly dashed.

Even with vice-president Biden ahead in the race to 270 electoral votes and remaining in the lead ( I know because I woke up twice during the night to check), I felt sadness.

A deep, soul sadness due to the apparent divide our country is experiencing. To me, it is a divide based on fear, racism, homophobia, and hatred.

Is it too late to turn back this tide?

I find myself falling prey to it too. I scowl at a driver in the stereotypical oversized RAM truck with a Trump/Pence bumper sticker on one end and a MAGA hat on the other, hanging from the review mirror.

I view this person as an ignorant, stupid, redneck. Maybe even a white supremacist. My jaw clenches and my eyes narrow as I brace myself against their presence.

But why?



MaryRose Denton

Writer/Speaker/Advocate, Come join me as I make a life by doing something with total love & pure soul. or